Tymczasem zapraszam na indyjską masala czaj, czyli nic innego jak dobrze doprawiona herbata z mlekiem. Nie smakuje podobnie jak bawarka, jest pyszna, aromatyczna, lekko piekąca. Sposobów jej przygotowania jest tyle co pijących - każdy ma to, co lubi.
Pozdrawiam z czerwonego fotela.
Składniki na 400 ml:
- torebka herbaty Earl Grey lub innej o smaku karmelowym
- 250 ml wody
- 150 ml mleka
- cukier -słodzona smakuje lepiej
- 1/2 łyżeczki kardamonu
- 1/4 łyżeczki imbiru
- 1/2 łyżeczki cynamonu
- 1/4 łyżeczki gałki muszkatałowej
In October I am going to India but even now my thoughts wander to the local landscapes and adventures. With the prospect of such a journey it is hard to sit in the red, swivel chair, and be aware that this chair will not take you further than to the nearest wall. I'm staring at worms lazily crawling through the window, buzzing flies, though I know that my attention should be focused on something else, but I'm trying imagine what awaits me in this amazing country, full of contradictions, smells and tastes.
Meanwhile, I invite you to Indian masala tea. It is nothing but a well-spiced tea with milk. It does not taste like the Bavarian tea, it is delicious, aromatic, slightly aching. Ways of preparation is as many as the chefs - everyone has what he likes.
Regards from the red chair.
Ingredients for 400 ml:
Earl Grey tea bag or other flavored caramel
250 ml of water
150 ml milk
sugar-sweetened taste better
1 / 2 teaspoon cardamom
1 / 4 teaspoon ginger
1 / 2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 / 4 teaspoon nutmeg
Pour water and milk into a pot and boil on medium heat. Put tea - prepare, as described on the package (I mean - how long time), add spices and sugar. You can drink hot or cold - I personally prefer the second way.
Meanwhile, I invite you to Indian masala tea. It is nothing but a well-spiced tea with milk. It does not taste like the Bavarian tea, it is delicious, aromatic, slightly aching. Ways of preparation is as many as the chefs - everyone has what he likes.
Regards from the red chair.
Ingredients for 400 ml:
Earl Grey tea bag or other flavored caramel
250 ml of water
150 ml milk
sugar-sweetened taste better
1 / 2 teaspoon cardamom
1 / 4 teaspoon ginger
1 / 2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 / 4 teaspoon nutmeg
Pour water and milk into a pot and boil on medium heat. Put tea - prepare, as described on the package (I mean - how long time), add spices and sugar. You can drink hot or cold - I personally prefer the second way.
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